1. Login to https://web.callhippo.com.
  2. Go to the Integrations tab.
  3. On the Integrations page, you will find the REST API.
  4. Go to the Webhook section.
  5. Click on the Connect button.

  • Provide URLs on which you want to get data of your call and SMS logs.


  • Calling Activity: Upon enabling this, all the Call logs will be synced to the webhook URL.
  • SMS Activity: Upon enabling this, all the SMS logs will be synced to the webhook URL.
  • Call Status notification: Upon enabling this, all the call events will be synced to the webhook URL.
  • Call Notify: Available on Request only and works with predictive dialer. Upon enabling this whenever a call is picked by the receiver, the notification will be sent to the agent.

  1. We provide data by POST method in JSON format. 
  2. The URL should be an HTTP URL with POST method for which the GET method will have to be ensured from your end. After every call or SMS, we provide data by the POST method in JSON format. Sample data given below:

Call Activity Response Example:

   "activityType": "call",
   "from": "+9323243432",
   "to": "+41232132131",
   "dialCode": "41",
   "callType": "Outgoing",
   "duration": "08:10", 
   "status": "Completed",
   "time": "2020-05-12T00:53:57.688+0000",
   "callCharge": "0.040",
   "email": "[email protected]", //optional
   "callerName": "Demo User", //optional
   "adminEmail": "[email protected]", 
   "callSid": "CA5fcabcd366fac3fe8c00c111f135e123",
   "startTime": "2020-05-12T00:53:57.688+0000",
   "endTime": "2020-05-12T01:01:05.688+0000",
   "note": "Call notes goes here", //optional
   "recordingUrl": "https://recording.XXX.mp3", //optional
   "countryName": "United Stated", 
   "ringAnswerDuration": "00:02",
   "billedMinutes": 9,
   "hangupBy": "Agent",
   "tags": [“Tag1”, “Tag2”], //optional
   "callQueue": false,
   "reason":"User not available",

SMS Activity Response Example:

   "activityType": "sms",
   “content": "SMS text goes here",
   "from": "+9323243432",
   "to": "+41232132131",
   "smsType": "Outgoing",
   "status": "Completed",
   "time": "2020-05-12T00:53:57.688+0000",
   "smsCharge": "0.040",
   "email": "[email protected]", //optional
   "smsSendBy": "Demo User", //optional   
   "adminEmail": "[email protected]", 

Call status notification response example:

   "agentEmail": "[email protected]",
   "callType": "Outgoing",
   "fromNumber": "+17xxxxxxxx6",
   "toNumber": "+13xxxxxxxx0",
   "agentId": "610xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8f3",
   "callSid": "8956bxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx02428",
   *"dateTime": "2024-03-28T10:05:50.000Z",
   "dialCode": "1",
   "status": "completed"

Webhook Response Parameters:

  • activityType: Possible values call / SMS.
  • from: From which number you got a call or you dial from number.
  • to: On which number you got a call or you dial to the number.
  • callType: Incoming / Outgoing.
  • duration: Duration of a call (MM:SS).
  • status: Call-related status. possible values are Completed, Missed, Rejected, Voicemail, Welcome message, IVR message, Unavailable, Cancelled and No Answer.
  • time: Call log created datetime.
  • startTime: Call start datetime.
  • endTime: Call end datetime.
  • callCharge: Call charges.
  • callerName: CallHippo user name who did or received a call.
  • note: Call notes.
  • recordingUrl: Recording URL of your call.
  • callSid: Unique ID of call.
  • email: Agent email associated with call or SMS.
  • adminEmail: CallHippo account owner email.
  • countryName: Name of calling country
  • reason:  Reason for call not not set up or failed.
  • answeredDevice: Call answered device. possible values: “web”, “ios”, “android”.
  • ringAnswerDuration: Call ringing duration. format: “mm:ss”.
  • billedMinutes: Total billed minutes for the call,
  • hangupBy: Who did hang up the call. Possible values: “Agent”, “Client”.
  • tags: If an agent added any tags in call notes will be returned in this field.
  • callQueue: Whether the call went in the call queue or not. Possible values : true or false.
  • content: SMS text (if activity type is sms).
  • smsType: Incoming / Outgoing. 
  • smsCharge: SMS charges.
  • smsSendBy: The name of the agent who sent the SMS.