Having a holiday or time off shouldn't mean getting work calls! With CallHippo's holiday routing, you can make sure specific users or teams don't receive calls on specific days. 

Here's how to set it up:

Step 1: Log in to your CallHippo Dashboard https://web.callhippo.com/dashboard

Step 2: Click on "Setting" in the left-hand side panel.

Step 3: Within the "Settings" menu, you'll see an option for "Holidays." Click on that.

Step 4: On the right side of the "Holidays" section, you'll see an "Add" button. Click on it to create a new holiday.

Step 5: Type in the name of the holiday, choose the date, and select whether it's for a user or a team to set the holiday.

Step 6: Click on the “SAVE” button, and the holiday you intended will be added. You can also edit or delete a holiday if needed.

I hope this helps. If you still have any queries, you can always contact us at [email protected]