If you are looking to activate your Pipedrive integration with CallHippo, here are the steps you need to follow.
Step 1: Login to your CallHippo account
Step 2: Go to the "Integrations" section of your dashboard and click on Pipedrive Integration.
Step 3: Then click on the "Connect" button and it will take you to the login page of Pipedrive
Step 4: Login using your Pipedrive credentials and you will be redirected to the CallHippo dashboard to continue the other steps of integration
Step 5: After the successful Login in Pipedrive you’ll be directed to the permissions page. Click on the continue to the App button to provide required access for integration.
Hurray!!! You have now successfully integrated Pipedrive with CallHippo.
Integration status shows "Integrated". And once contact syncing is completed, we will update you by email.
Integration Settings:
Now your CallHippo account is successfully integrated with Pipedrive and you will be redirected to the CallHippo with Integration Settings popup. In which you can customize the functionality of Pipedrive through CallHippo.
Call Activities performed with a Pipedrive Contact Reflected in your Pipedrive - If you have enabled this toggle, All the activities that are performed on a Pipedrive contact through CallHippo will reflect in Pipedrive as below:
After Call Work activity is reflected in Pipedrive
After Call Work activity reflects in Pipedrive, If you have a plan with CallHippo's Call tags and disposition service and the same has been enabled, than the activity being pushed in Pipedrive contains the tags and disposition data being added after the Call in the ACW screen.
Note: This sync only when the same has been performed on the After Call Work screen, In case if tags and disposition have been added later on using the Call logs or other feed than the same wont sync in the Pipedrive.
Show the Activities of SMS sent in the activity section - If you have enabled this toggle, All the SMS activity will log in the Pipedrive Activity section.
Sync contact from CallHippo to Pipedrive - Contact you add/update in CallHippo will also add/update in Pipedrive if this toggle is enabled.
You can also configure which type of call Activity will be displayed in the Pipedrive activity section from below Configuration Setting.
You will be able to see the call logs for the call done from a particular Pipedrive deal as follows.
Click To Call Functionality:
You have to first install the CallHippo extension on your web browser to use this functionality.
Link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/callhippo-virtual-phone-s/gbiddodjfedcfaomleolekbgkidagkci
1. Go to profile section and Click on Tools and Apps from drop menu
2. Click on Phone call
3. Select "Default calling app" As - (Default "callto" handler")
4. Click on save button
Now in Pipedrive you can use Click to call to directly call from Leads, Deals and Contacts.
Adding Labels
In order to add custom labels with icon in the activities list like shown in the below image follow the steps.
Goto company settings under the profile tab.
Inside company settings navigate to activities tab.
here you can create a activity type by clicking the Add Activity type button. You can select the suitable icon to the activity name.
After creating the activity type (Label) it will appear on the list. And all the activities related to the label by default get attached to it. You can check it by navigating to activities module.
Features provided with Pipedrive integration:
Your all existing contacts and Organization (with at least one phone number) will be synced with CallHippo.
Whenever you add new contact, organization or update existing contacts in CallHippo it will also add/update in Pipedrive.
Whenever you update or add a new contact or organisation in Pipedrive. it will automatically sync to CallHippo.
When you create any new deal with the associate to contact. It will be synchronized with CallHippo.
Whenever a call is made to Pipedrive contact or organisation with CallHippo dialer, Call log activity will be synced to your Pipedrive contact detail page. If there is a new deal created for that contact, Call activity will be shown on the deal detail page as well.
Whenever an SMS is sent to Pipedrive contact or organization with CallHippo dialer SMS log will be synced to your Pipedrive contact detail page.
1. If the user is registered with [email protected] in CallHippo and with [email protected] in Pipedrive, what will happen?
Ans - When a user is logged in with [email protected] in CallHippo and with [email protected] in Pipedrive, then all contact information will be synced with the CallHippo account. Hence it does not matter if the admin emails are different in Pipedrive and CallHippo.
2. If the user has 4 users in CallHippo with email IDs: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and 3 users in Pipedrive with email IDs: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
A) What will happen if [email protected] calls with one of the CallHippo’s number which is registered with Pipedrive? Will the logs come in Pipedrive? With what agent name?
Ans - Yes, logs will come in Pipedrive with the admin name.
B) If [email protected] calls through Pipedrive, that user’s name will come in the logs or the admin’s name will come?
Ans - User name will come in logs of Pipedrive.
C) If a new user is added in CallHippo ([email protected]) and that user with the same email ID already exists in a Pipedrive account, when will these 2 users get synced? Is syncing not required?
Ans - when CallHippo users provide integration rights to their sub-user ([email protected]). Syncing is not required.
D) If the NAME or EMAIL of the user is changed in Pipedrive, when will it change in CallHippo?
Ans - Yes.
E) If the above user details are changed in CallHippo, will it change in Pipedrive?
Ans - Yes.
F) What will happen if [email protected] is deleted from Pipedrive, will the integration of [email protected] in CH and Pipedrive be unsynced? When will it happen?
Ans - Data will not be removed from CallHippo if a user is removed from Pipedrive.
G) If the contact information is changed from Pipedrive, when will it reflect in CallHippo?
Ans - First make sure that the [email protected] account is integrated with Pipedrive and contact Information will be reflected when the user updates their contact information in Pipedrive. (on triggered). Provided the Phone number field is not empty in the contact info.
H) If the Pipedrive integration of an account is removed, the Pipedrive contacts from CallHippo will be deleted?
Ans - Yes, all Pipedrive contacts will be deleted from Callhippo.
I) What versions/plans/packages of Pipedrive do we support for integration?
Ans - All versions.
J) In which cases the contacts in Pipedrive will not be added in CallHippo?
Ans - If the CallHippo account is not connected with Pipedrive other than, the a whenever a user will create a contact in Pipedrive then the contact will be added in CallHippo. The phone number field should not be empty.
K) Will the incoming calls be visible in the deal?
Ans - Yes.
L) If the user has Deal-1 and Deal-2 for the same contact.
1. Will all the outgoing calls done to the contact be visible in both the deals? No, the outgoing calls done from a particular deal will be visible in the ACTIVITIES section of that DEAL ONLY
Ans - Yes, but an outgoing call will be visible in deal with open status in Pipedrive.
2. Will all the outgoing calls to the contact be visible in ACTIVITIES?
Ans - Yes, all the outgoing, as well as incoming calls, done to a contact will be visible in Pipedrive’s ACTIVITIES section. It will also give the information if a call was made from a deal or not.
M). If a contact has multiple numbers in Pipedrive, all the numbers will be added in CallHippo? How?
Ans - Yes, contact will be added with the first five phone numbers.
Enable Click to Call: Install the CallHippo Click-to-Call Chrome extension from the below link:
Once the click to call extension is installed it will appear in front of all numbers and as soon you click on the icon the call will be made.