Users can check how many users are there on live calls and can see the availability status of every user from there.

Steps to be followed:

Step 1: Open the web dialer.

Step 2: Click on the three horizontal lines on the top left corner and click on Live Calls.

Step 3: You can see which user is on call and if you want then you can hang up the call.

End Call: Admin users can end the call.

Join Call:  Admin users can join the call.

Call Barge: Admin users can join the call, sub-user will get to know about it and clients will not get to know about it.

Call Whisper: Both sub-user and client will not get to know that the admin user has joined the call and the admin user can listen to both of them.

Step 4:  You can check the User status also.

Admin users can see themselves and all the sub-users who are available or on the calls.

For further queries, please contact us at [email protected]