Auto-Rotate is a feature  that prevent number spamming by automatically cycling through "From" numbers, ensuring call quality and reputation for businesses calling the same country frequently.

Auto Rotate: Preventing Number Spam and Ensuring Call Quality

In the world of telephony, managing and preserving the integrity of your phone numbers is vital. The "Auto Rotate" feature addresses a common challenge when making repeated calls to the same destination. If your business frequently dials specific numbers within a country, the risk of those numbers being perceived as spam increases. This not only jeopardizes the effectiveness of your communication but also potentially damages your reputation.

With the "Auto Rotate" feature, your call management system becomes smarter and more efficient. Here's how it works:

1. Dynamic Number Selection: When you enable "Auto Rotate," the system monitors your call history and recognizes when you're repeatedly dialing a particular number within a country.

2. Preventing Number Spam: To avoid your calls being categorized as spam, "Auto Rotate" automatically switches the "From" number each time you dial the same country number.

3. Maintaining Call Quality: This feature ensures that no single number is overused, distributing the call load evenly among your assigned numbers.

4. Improved Reputation: By preventing number spam, your business maintains a positive image and enhances its chances of connecting effectively with your audience.

"Auto Rotate" is a smart solution that guarantees your calls are more likely to connect while safeguarding the integrity of your numbers. It's a valuable addition for businesses aiming to maximize call quality and uphold their reputation in the competitive world of telecommunications.

Auto-Rotate is available in only Platinum (Call Center Solution) and Ultimate plan (Office Phone System).

How to enable Auto-Rotate?

1. Login to CallHippo Dashboard and go to Settings module.

2. You will be able to see Auto-Rotate in the sub-module list of "Settings".

3. Enable the toggle to use Auto-Rotate feature.